Joana Soares, Executive Secretary for MBON and Project Officer for AIR Centre
Host in “Towards a Blue Economy in the Atlantic area – Part II: Marine Resources and Biodiversity” and “International Cooperation Addressing Global Challenges – Part I: Marine Protected Areas Services in IntAIRsect”
Joana Soares has graduated in Aquatic Sciences and holds a PhD in Biomedical Science from the University of Porto. She has a solid research background in Ecotoxicology and Endocrine disruption and a strong experience in molecular biology and toxicogenomics. Over the last few years, she has worked as a researcher in several international research projects with multidisciplinary teams. Addressing global changes, in an integrative approach to space, climate, and ocean in the Atlantic, focusing on marine biodiversity conservation, are emergent topics of her work. Currently, she is the Executive Secretary of the Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) of the Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON) and a Project Officer at the Earth Observation Laboratory of the Atlantic International Research Centre (AIR Centre).